“My books are left like severed head
if I myself am left unread"
-Antonio Eramo
Magazine/Journal Publications
Open Skies Quarterly: Volume 1 Birthday Balloon
How To Write Poetry: A Tutorial Manic Kin
Impsired Magazine: Volume 2 One Night Stand
Dreamscape Phantom Fears
Stick Figure Poetry Pond Er
The Attic
Art of Sin
Prides Crossing
Momentary Monet
This is the ultimate literary compilation for anyone who loves word play. The short stories are driven by a riveting new format that alternates between poems and prose. The poems are littered with linguistic gymnastics. And the riddles will leave you feeling like a tree thats been cut down. This compilation will make eyes both roll and swell. This book is a one stop shop for every type of reader and thinker.
This is the story of a delusional old man and ultimately his death. As he struggles to separate past from present, the reader will struggle to separate fact from fiction. The final poem brings reality back to the forefront, and allows the metaphor to sink in. Not all stories are true.
Momentary Monet is a linguistic monument that displays/portrays The Artist's hunt for clarity and conviction. The fleeting aspects of beauty, mental fortitude, and queer empowerment are indulged in this irreverent outland of word-play. Authentic and shameless vision abound in this collection: a must have for the discerning philanderer or masochist.
This the tragic story of what happens when misunderstanding meets fear. It is a reflection of the society we live in, and the truths we believe. Floating between poetry and prose, the author is able to expose the beauty in this horror.
Art of Sin is a short collection of poems that bleeds deep. It is the intimate truth within us all that we refuse to speak and internally scream.
Published Books
Works In Progress
The Ones Whoso Starve
A short collection of political poetry that addresses the inequalities that persevere even in the midst of progress.
The Fascist Fables
A collection of poetic fables that addresses the inherent dangers of fascism in its modern form.
Radio Silent
The distopian story of a world where our actions are dictated subcontiously through the tone of music we are forced to hear.